Hi Panda Family and Friends,

As some know, Dr. Bockmann has been fighting cancer for a good while now, far longer than his doctors initially predicted.  He's been documenting his journey on his YouTube channel and I encourage anyone who wants to see something beautiful to take a few minutes and check it out.  From the first day, Dr. Dan presented his journey with courage and unrelenting honestly.  He connected with a larger audience and took us all along for the ride.  Personally, I'm very grateful for having been included in his Panda family.  I think if you poke around the channel, you'll find yourself in that family too.  Dr. Dan has a magnetic personality.

During his career, and during the time when he faced the most adversity, Dr. Dan's passion for offering meaningful solutions to help other people feel better drove the way he did business, the way he connected with others, and how he focused himself to achieve personal goals.  A very important contribution that he's made to us is to put these lessons learned from helping others into a class that he's giving away for free, so you can benefit from those lessons too.  Thousands of people have taken his courses and as I spoke with him today, his wish is that thousands more do the same.

Below is a link to the course and also a PayPal link.  Dr. Dan would like everyone to take the course for free.  If you can afford to contribute, his family is running the account so the course stays online as long as possible.  By contributing to the Paypal link, you're money is going to two places: 1.  Keeping the course online. 2.  Helping Dr. Dan with hospice and end of life care.

Dr. Dan is in hospice and spending as much time with his loved ones as possible.  Should that path change course, this site and the YouTube Channel will be the first place he updates with news.

It's not possible to speak to Dr. Dan for a single minute and not feel his love and absolute astonishment at the gifts that he's received by connecting with others.  Simply by giving his story your attention, you're contributing to something he cherished greatly.  Thank you for sharing his story and sharing what you've learned from him with those you care about.

Living in a moment of extraordinary gratitude,
